1. 视觉定位技术研究
1.1 视觉SLAM、VIO(多传感器融合的高精度移动定位)
1.2 运动恢复结构方法SfM(视觉高精度移动定位)
2. 视觉稠密三维成像技术研究
2.1 双目立体视觉
2.2 光度立体 (将光度信息融入到移动三维重建中)
2.3 多视角稠密三维重建
3. 机器人自动三维扫测技术研究
3.1 机器人路径规划与控制
3.2 三维点云分析与路径规划
4. 三维视觉应用研究
4.1 水下光学三维成像技术
4.2 结构光三维重建
4.3 结构化场景测量(平面场景下的点线面特征的综合利用)
- 单目 消防水柱喷射高度测量
- 单目 行人身高测量、骨架动态测量
发表论文 (论文、代码、Demo)
# 学生一作,* 通讯作者
- [AAAI2025-1] Jiaqi Leng, Yakun Ju, Yuanxu Duan, Jiangnan Zhang, Qingxuan Lv, Zuxuan Wu, Hao Fan*. “FNIN: A Fourier Neural Operator-based Numerical Integration Network for Surface-form-gradients”, AAAI2025, 2-2024. 链接
- [TCSVT2024-1] Yimei Liu(刘伊美), Qin Cai, Congcong Wang, Jian Yang, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*, Sheng Chen. “Geometry-Enhanced Attentive Multi-View Stereo for Challenging Matching Scenarios”[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 3-2024. 链接
- [KBS2024-1] Jian Yang(杨健)#, Yuan Rao, Qing Cai, Eric Rigall, Hao Fan, Junyu Dong*, Hui Yu. “MLNet: An multi-scale line detector and descriptor network for 3D reconstruction”[J], Knowledge-Based Systems, 2-2024. 链接
- [TIM2024-1] Jinao Song(宋金澳), Jie Li, Hao Fan*, Lin Qi, Shu Zhang, Yong Chen, Junyu Dong. “Real-Scale 3D Reconstruction with Monocular Zoom Technology”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 11-2024. 链接
- [IMTS2024-1] Kang An(安康), Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong. “A marker-based method for visual-inertial initialization”[J], Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems, 9-2024. 链接
- [Neurocomputing2024-1] Jian Yang(杨健), Jian Zhou, Hao Fan, Junyu Dong, Hui Yu. “Learning context-aware local feature descriptors for 3D reconstruction”[J], Neurocomputing, 8-2024. 链接
- [FITYR2024-1] Tong Ning(宁曈), Zhiyuan Zhang, Hao Fan*. “An Efficient EKF-Based Visual Inertial Odometry Using Both Point and Line Features”, IEEE 1st International Workshop on Future Intelligent Technologies for Young Researchers, 7-2024. 链接
- [FITYR2024-2] Shengran He(贺升燃), Yifan Yin, Yeling Jiang, Hao Fan*. “Dense 3D Reconstruction with Fusing Structure from Motion and Dynamic Photometric Stereo”, IEEE 1st International Workshop on Future Intelligent Technologies for Young Researchers, 7-2024. 链接
- [IWAIT2024-1] Zhiyuan Zhang(张志远), Tong Ning, Yimei Liu, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong. “Dense 3D Reconstruction with Fusing Structure from Motion and Dynamic Photometric Stereo”, International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology, 5-2024.
- [TCSVT2023-2] Yuan Rao(饶源)#, Wenjie Liu#, Kunqian Li, Hao Fan, Sen Wang, and Junyu Dong*. “Deep Color Compensation for Generalized Underwater Image Enhancement”[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 8-2023. 链接
- [TCSVT2023-1] Yuan Rao(饶源)#, Yakun Ju, Cong Li, Eric Rigall, Jian Yang, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “Learning General Descriptors for Image Matching with Regression Feedback”[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 4-2023. 链接
- [TIM2023-4] Yang Yang(杨扬)#; Eric Rigall; Hao Fan*; Junyu Dong*. “Point Light Measurement and Calibration for Photometric Stereo”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 11-2023. 链接
- [TIM2023-3] Yimei Liu(刘伊美)#, Yuan Rao, Eric Rigall, Hao Fan, Junyu Dong*. “Incorporating Co-Visibility Reasoning Into Surface Depth Measurement”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 3-2023. 链接
- [TIM2023-2] Yuan Rao(饶源)#, Yakun Ju, Sen Wang, Hao Fan, Junyu Dong*. “Learning Enriched Feature Descriptor for Image Matching and Visual Measurement”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 3-2023. 链接
- [TIM2023-1] Zhenlin Jia(贾振霖)#, Yuan Rao#, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “An Efficient Visual SfM Framework Using Planar Markers”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2-2023. 链接
- [JMSE2023-1] Jiaqi Leng#, Qingxuan Lv, Shu Zhang, Yuan Rao, Yimei Liu, Hao Fan*. “Multilevel Inverse Patchmatch Network with Local and Global Refinement for Underwater Stereo Matching”[J], Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 4-2023. 链接
- [PRCV2023-1] Guobang You(油国邦)#, Yikun Hu, Yimei Liu, Haoyan Liu, Hao Fan*. “Learning Key Features Transformer Network for Point Cloud Processing”[C], Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), 10-2023. 链接
- [SWC2023-2] Yimei Liu(刘伊美)#, Zhiyuan Zhang, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong. “A Survey of PatchMatch-Based Multi-View Stereo”[C], IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC), 8-2023. 链接
- [SWC2023-1] Zeping Li(李则平)#, Yikun Hu, Yixin Chen, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong. “Evaluating The Effect of Refraction on Underwater Stereo Vision”[C], IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC), 8-2023. 链接
- [SPIC2022-1] Hao Fan, Yuan Rao#, Eric Rigall, Lin Qi, Zhile Wang, Junyu Dong*. “Near-field photometric stereo using a ring-light imaging device”[J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 3-2022, 102: 116605. 链接
- [TIM2022-2] Yeqi Hu(胡业琦)#, Wei Rao#, Lin Qi, Junyu Dong, Jinzhen Cai*, Hao Fan*. “A Refractive Stereo Structured-Light 3D Measurement System for Immersed Object”[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 12-2022. 链接
- [TIM2022-1] Yuan Rao(饶源)#, Jian Yang, Yakun Ju, Cong Li, Eric Rigall, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “Learning General Feature Descriptor for Visual Measurement with Hierarchical View Consistency”[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 4-2022. 链接
- [Opt-Eng2022-1] Guanqi Qi(亓冠棋)#, Zhengwu Shi, Yeqi Hu, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “Refraction calibration of housing parameters for a flat-port underwater camera”[J], Optical Engineering, Vol. 61, Issue 10, 104105 (10-2022). 链接
- [ICDIS2022-1] Cong Li(李丛)#, Yuan Rao, Jian Yang, Kai Yang, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “Calibrated Relighting Network for Image Light Transfer”[C]. 2022 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), Shenzhen, China, 2022, pp. 267-274. 链接
- [ICDIS2022-2] Kai Yang(杨凯)#, Yumeng Jiang, Lin Qi, Hao Fan, Shu Zhang*, Junyu Dong. “Visual Semantic SLAM Based on Examination of Moving Consistency in Dynamic Scenes”[C]. 链接
- [ICDIS2022-3] Yifan Liu(刘一帆)#, Yuan Rao, Guanqi Qi, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*. “Robust Initialization for Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM with Polar-Based Gravity Estimation”[C]. 2022 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), Shenzhen, China, 2022, pp. 402-407. 链接
- [ICIVC2022-1] Zhijie Xie(解志杰)#, Yuan Rao, Yeqi Hu, Hao Fan*, Lin Qi*, Junyu Dong. “Cascaded Feature Interaction Network for Stereo Matching”[C]. 2022 7th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), Xi’an, China, 2022, pp. 312-318. 链接
- [IWAIT2022-1] Changhao Chen(陈昌浩)#, Zhenlin Jia, Hao Fan*, and Junyu Dong. “Dynamic photometric stereo for flat bas-relief surfaces”[C], Proc. SPIE 12177, International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT) 2022, 121771P (30 April 2022). 链接
- [JOE2021-1] Hao Fan, Lin Qi, Changhao Chen, Yuan Rao, Linghui Kong, Junyu Dong*, Hui Yu. Underwater Optical 3-D Reconstruction of Photometric Stereo Considering Light Refraction and Attenuation[J]. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2021. 链接
- [iCAST2020-1] Zhengwu Shi#, Qingxuan Lv, Shu Zhang, Lin Qi, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong. A Visual-SLAM based Line Laser Scanning System using Semantically Segmented Images[C]. 2020 11th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST). IEEE, 2020. 链接
- [iCAST2020-2] Chenxin Jia#, Ying Cao, Jian Yang, Yuan Rao, Hao Fan*, Wenlin Yao. Improving Visual-Inertial Odometry with Robust Outlier Rejection and Loop Closure[C]. 2020 11th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST). IEEE, 2020. 链接
- [iCAST2020-3] Zhihao Zhu#, Jian Yang, Xianglong Wang, Guanqi Qi, Chuang Wu, Hao Fan*, Lin Qi, Junyu Dong. Rotation Axis Calibration of Laser Line Rotating-Scan System for 3D Reconstruction[C]//2020 11th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST). IEEE, 2020. 链接
- [TEM2019-1] Jie Gao#, Hao Fan, Junyu Dong*, Shu Zhang, Lin Qi, Hui Yu. SLAM-based laser scanning for 3D reconstruction[J]. Test Engineering and Management, 2019, 81(11-12): 949-955.
- [IECON2018-1] Hao Fan#, Lin Qi, Junyu Dong, Gongfa Li, Hui Yu*. Dynamic 3d surface reconstruction using a hand-held camera[C]. IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2018: 3244-3249. 链接
- [Opt-Eng2017-1] Hao Fan#, Lin Qi, Yakun Ju, Junyu Dong*, Hui Yu. Refractive laser triangulation and photometric stereo in underwater environment[J]. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(11): 113101. 链接
- [Opt-Eng2017-2] Hao Fan#, Lin Qi, Nan Wang, Junyu Dong*, Yijun Chen, Hui Yu. Deviation correction method for close-range photometric stereo with nonuniform illumination[J]. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(10): 103102. 链接